Sunday, September 28, 2008

The day that was

D 1st person to call was my sister…….She was downstairs and I was upstairs…..She calls me and wishes me”Haapy B’day” and bribes me to get down to take a hug from her….Being the lazybones that I am…I told her to reserve the hug for the morningJ

Am lying down wide awake….getting all philosophical n stuff…about what I have done all these years …..when I get the next phone call from someone who just cant rest when the rest of the world doesJ

Me full kush n all on Shwetha’s call…n I was singing the B’day song to myself…which saved me from listening to Shwetha’s braying skills…...who was reminding me of the innumerable risks and troubles I have gotten into due to my behavior in school and the pranks I have played on ppl… ……Don’t u dare contact Shwetha for the exact details of the conversationJ

In the meantime, there is this international call which is coming in….n me full kush again……Praveena had called all the way from the US…..Apparently it was 2pm in the afternoon there…..n she sings…even before I can start:)….

My sister n Praveena have 1 thing in common…when they call ppl for B’days ….they do that countup …that is say …if u r 25…they count from 1 to 25…v used to do this in school…but somehow…I enjoy this part the most….when the person on the other end….does the counting of the years that have passed in say 25 secs….n every year just passes by like a momentJ

I show off by telling Praveena n Shwetha about the Quiz competition v won in office the previous day…500Rs Forum ka gift voucher …all thanks to my Quiz partner…Shyam …..who was soooper smart with all the answers…while there were times when I was still trying to understand what the question was:)…Made me feel real old n dumb though…coz when I was in school……I used to know if Laloo Prasad Yadav sneezed also….not reading the newspapers or being abreast with the currentest of affairs was a crime in itself…especially if u had to make ur points and argue n debate in the Social Science n yes…. …the Moral Science Classes…..The classes I used to look forward to the most…..

I still remember 9th B……we used to discuss about everything from what every politician or every citizen in this country should be doing to people eloping and getting marriedJJ

k…k…I was asking Praveena the Quiz questions …n was pleased n delighted to know that both of us were on the same levelJ…though I kept reminding myself that it was an international call…n shud I really talk about all these things…but then Praveena didn’t seem to mindJ..after getting the conversation to the points where Praveena n me usually venture into… ….. v finally decided to call it a day…or u can say…night in my case:)

I sleep n then after I am God’s songs as I believe it will do me good:)

My parents wish me…n I congratulate my mother for giving birth to me:)…

Messages start pouring in…getting me all happy that probably this is one time of the year when people actually remember u exist….n either call or message n let u know of their existence 2J

D 1st few friends I had made when I was in LKG called:)

My pals since Middle School called:)

College friends started off this mail chain with my photo n all…n called too:)

The best part was when one of them called me and my sister picked the call….now for those of you who aren’t already aware…my sister’s voice n mine sounds the same on phone… this has nothing to do with the fact that my voice sounds 7 years older than it actually isJ
My sister tells my college friend that Seema is in the rest room(I wanted to use a more sophisticated wordJ)….n that it was her sister on the line…when my friend on the other line…thinks that it is me only n that I am trying to fool her…as I have done in the pastJ…that she is interested in talking only to brothers n not to sisters…she apparently abused my sister also…anthe…thinking it was meJJJ….I don’t blame my friend…I have treated her to some not so unpleasant experiences….one of them being ….I took her once to a bakery n told her that I was treating..both of us hogged…n then after I was done…I told the Bakery guy that she would be paying…n hopped onto the next bus back homeJJ…Fortunately for my friend …she wasn’t someone like me…I would have had to wash the plates in the Bakery for the amount of cash I used to carry with me in college:)

In office, I am treated to surprise gifts….Deepak places gifts on my desk…so does MJ…..n not to forget Rachit or Ragini…who got yummy home made Bisibelebath for me:)

The entire day passes off in answering calls or replying to mails or asking people for gifts…call me shameless…but I really don’t care:)
I end up treating ppl who don’t gift me……n who have still not:)..when can I expect my spectacle frame?

N when I return back home…am treated to the yummiest feast of all times…..

I enjoyed the day… the fullest….there was no doubt about it..It was the bestest B’day I had in years:)

A decade without Acha

 Acha is my father. I lost him 10 years ago, Feb 19th'2012. I dont like using him in "past tense". I still believe that no one...