Not that Im always waiting for something exciting to happen in my life to come back n update my blog....infact the last week in office has seen so many ups n downs .....that I have not had this much variety in all these years...
But yes....the marathon last Sunday....was a great experience....a first to a whole lot of us.....v ran 10 kms at a stretch.....pausing occasionally for photos......or actually pretending to run after the walking act...everytime v saw a camera or ppal cheering us along:)
After an hour of ..I will go....no no...but...I cant go...sort of dilemma.....I finally made 1 right decision...by actually making it......n did end up surprising my pals who were under the impression that I wudnt be making it!!!....thats another long...but boring story....so will skip it blissfully!!
I must commend d spirit of the 2 not so old "oldies"...I ran with.....though they had taken part thinking that they would walk the 1st kilometre n then head back home......Im still wondering wat gave them d energy to half-run....half-walk the 10 kms....