After Unforgettable, I am tempted to write short..largely coz I know for a fact that ppal will sleep otherwise.
Its the 4th year, we are gifting with Chrysallis to poor kids, challenged kids and juvenile home kids.
Every year has been a wonderful experience.
Pravs collected such a huge amount from Infy...that made me feel that I was extremely unpopular in my office....
Both of us went shopping for gifts. Imagine walking into a shop and asking the guy there if he had frisbees....what will he do...get 1...max 2...Dont miss the look on his face...when u ask him to give u all he's got.....
Yes...we did wholesale shopping.....we bought tiny teeny cars, animals, squeezy toys, balls, bindis, bangles, chains.....
Ceej,Shw n Pravs then land home for a night out to pack the gifts.....Ceej always had an affinity towards anything pink....so she was in charge of the gifts for the gals....all packed in pink...Colour code..U c..Different matter...that it lasted till 3:30 only....Ask Ceej y??:)
V volunteeed at Mount Carmel College grounds and had blast with the children of IGIA...It was our first n d best till date.....largely coz all of us in our close group of friends circle had made it to the event.....
This was the year when our group was most active in all activities......IGIA.....Chrysallis.....Bubbles....we even attended meetings to do street plays for awareness on social issues.....
Also the year when I had already collected funds for numerous various reasons...n was a lil embarrased to ask again...
So v devised a plan...everytime funds were required we targetted different sets of ppal....say...first ...school pals...then college pals....n office pals....n so on.....
Pravs came home after office n we were later joined by the darling of the group...Prets....not to forget Laks n Leks who helped us pack the gifts till 1am in the night.....
I will never forget the things we did to keep Prets awake....Pravs n me didnt have a sleeping prob.....But Prets...was dozing off ..so many times...that d only way out ...was to get her to talk...n talk she did...am still wondering if she was sleep talking:)...when she reminded us that in her long travel journey to office....she only fell asleep after she had reached mid distance to office....Anyway whoever knows Prets...will not know whether to laugh or cry.....
Coz Prets slept in the very 1st English lecture in PUC.....with her head facing the lecturer:)
V managed roughly around 300 gifts this year after all that sleep packing exercise....
I feel old as I write this....d years have just flown away....but d need to do something different is only getting stronger n stronger by d day....n this year v danced!!!
This year I cudnt collect enuf funds......so ended up with only around 200 gifts....which I packed with my family's help...so I had my father sort out the chains....my mother ...the bangles....my sister's mother-in-law...the gift wrappers...while my bro-in-law and me did all the packing....
I have an alternate profession....if ever I am kicked out of my current one....n I bet I will make it big in the packing business.........
V danced in IGIA....as part of the Chrysallis celeb....n this was just d beginning of a whole lot of events n stuff that I got to do in 2008.....that I have always wanted to do....
Aha.....something inside me felt guilty...that I was not doing as much as I cud possibly do...as I had in the past....This year v stopped the teaching programme in IGIA..n this was such an integral part of my life the last coupla years...that all of a sudden..I felt lost....without it....
Add to it....my closest pals werent here.....n my other commitments rarely gave me any time off...
Taking an initative is all that is required to drive your passions.....V sent mails to like every1 v knew did or did not exist.......separate sets of mails.....with personal notes....hoping to get the money required for the gifts.....
V collected a whopping 13,200.........our highest ever .......n were able to gift 1401 children.....
n wat wud I do without Shils this year......n d constant words of Moses ringing in my ears...all throughout....."When u do something good...somehow things fall in place"
Shils n me decided to go shopping for gifts ......we had around 5K in hand at that time...n went to 2 shops n bought everything that they had to offer...try asking Shils...as to what 15+7 is....probabilty is that u might get slapped:)
After getting the gifts home....d next job on hand was to ensure that my 1.5 year old nephew had nothing to do with it....he can be quite damaging with stuff....U c:)
My sister seemed more interested in the things v got...than anybody else in the house...she kept telling us things like...U know when v were children...v hardly had this or that....which got me to the conclusion that these things probably didnt exist in those times....y a..ya...my sister is quite ancient......as otherwise....my poor old father wud have never denied his children anything they ever wanted.....
After coaxing my sister to leave us to pack....we realised that v didnt have stapler pins.....Hoo hoo hoo hoo.....thats when v troubled poor old Laks...my neighbour ...who came to our rescue...with all the possible pins in her house....U wont believe it...when v were done packing...v had finished the whole set....
How can I end this blog by not writing abt the gift wrappers v got...n of how Shils kept admiring them all d time...n of how I was sure that come wat may...she wud visit the shopkeeper on sunrise...n give him a piece of her mind...for supplying such wonderful covers....
Heeheehee.....It was fun to watch Shils pack.....I think she did more of shop-keeper bashing than packing...ok..ok...wont do anymore bitching.....V packed 330 gifts in 4 hours flat...........
Not bad this time.. at least I was able to read complete post before dozing off.... :):)
Keep Writing
hehehe...so mission accomplished...eh:)
Thats a cute pic of Shay. You must post more of it before and grows up and realizes he was on the internet even before he could spell the word.
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