Im not gonna start writing abt all the things that v did in a chronological order......M just gonna talk abt chasing ur dreams:)
I've always been an ardent history lover...History to me is a figment of imagination n a story waiting to unfold...
Seeing a signboard which said Hampi-4kms got me all excited....n d 1st thought that came to my mind when I saw the place...was thanks Sowmya!
Sowmya was kind enuf to take me with her family to visit Hampi..n I think I have already made it extremely explicit that this is one place that I have always wanted to c!!
Sowmya n me were having this conversation a couple of months ago abt visiting Hampi...n when she called me early this month asking me if I wanted to join...All I told her was...C ya...I want to c tickets whenever u want...But Im coming!!
Hampi had a very mystical influence on me....When I was standing infront of the Vittala temple, facing stone structures built to entertain traders from all over the world....for a moment ...I was actually visualizing traders selling gold, gems n other precious stones n a crowded market me at that moment none of it was 500 years ago...It was almost like it was happening there right infront of me!!
The Purandhara [famous poet of that era] shelter, built right beside the Tungabhadra river literally had a "cooling" effect on me....:)....Not that it was very sunny outside....But it was almost like I was at peace with myself....I was actually smiling inside....Just happy to be there!!

I was telling Sowmya that if u leave me here for a few more hours, I will come up with the most beautiful verses ever heard by mankind.....Too much I know for my standards that is:)...Im sure my friends have already heard enuf...ya ...ya..Im referring to my lunch-table pals at work..Im at my philosophical best after food gets into my system at lunch-time:)
V, Indians were indeed outnumbered there by foreign tourists.....loads of them clicking photos ....asking the guides numerous questions n learning about our culture n history!!
There are plenty of places that u get to visit in and around Hampi....some of them temples...d others palaces...then the Queen's bath:)....n the royal stables.....n so on....
Wat strikes u most is not only the archaeological brilliance ...but the fact that even in those days ppal had provisions and access to some of the best facilities in terms of layout of their structures, their irrigation n sewage systems .....
U do feel bad seeing the ruins at Hampi....But the thought that the place has seen so many generations come n many historical moments ....n ofcourse the winds of change across the sands of time:).....most of the structures were destroyed by the Mughals n the deities stolen from temples....but Hampi even today is a standing testimony to the great culture our country has!!
2 things I will never forget: Being asked if v were foreigns:) actually by a bunch of schoolkids n a small schoolkid actually running towards me n touching me n running back ...this she did twice...n I was left standing there wondering[actually I was smiling to myself:)] as to why she did that!!
If you want to see Hampi the way I saw it with a little more details on the read this:
The school kid might have thought you were from different planet, so asked whether you are foreigner (outside world) and so wanted to touch you and see. :-)
just kidding...
Anyways, nice to see that you enjoyed your trip. Hampi is a beautiful place and if you go with a guide, the place will be much more interesting to see how our ancestors were smart and intelligent.
Hey Seeme, I should say thanks to see for the opportunity to visit all these places the second time though with a bad company.. hahahahaha...
But one thing is very true, u can spend hours or even days together just gazing at the ingenious architecture of these wonders... just marvellous...
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