Monday, November 15, 2010
D wedding!!
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Yeah engaged :)
Inviting friends :)
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Sunday, September 26, 2010
So long...

Monday, August 16, 2010
Bubbles outing to Infosys village :)
Sunday, August 15, 2010
How things fell in place :)
Staff :)
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Safar!:2007-Till date
Freaking out on Movies!!
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Paanch Saal!

Ya ya ya ya....Its been 5 long years!! I have lots to write abt d safar. But I have to share with d rest of d universe what my team-mate wrote abt me on this day, hehehe...Im still wondering if he was bribed to write all this:)...Also ppal dont do such stuff every other day...right!
"Sometimes its not the number of years but the number of hears and cheers for those hears, one gets for ones voice which counts....
if that were to be a scoring criteria then this person would get the least score.......
If it is number of clicks on one's blog, I don't know how many of you even know about it:
But, when you count the amount of laughs (not smiles) one generates then no yard stick can probably measure it.
Is it very cryptic?........ok let’s break it SEEMA completes her 5 years at office today.......that makes her half-decade in a full-decade company.
She's been a shining star, technically appreciated for her work, a true contributor for cause of special children at "Chrysalis" and "IGIA", most sought after at office to start any forums on cultural, environmental or to hold any kind of team activities.........
@Seema: man congratulations on this feat, it's been fun and de-stressing to have you around."
If u wanna read more:
***Safar!:2007-Till date
***Safar!:2007-Till date
Sunday, June 20, 2010
M in 4 treasures:)
Monday, June 7, 2010
Chasing their dreams!!
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Monday, May 10, 2010
Horse's face!!
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Guilty or not guilty!
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Now 7, then 28!
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Bubbles day out!
Adreno, an adventurer’s club organized a camp for 25 autistic children and their parents. These children study in Bubbles Centre for Autism, run by Sarbani Mallick. We[Pravs, Sid, Shekhar and me] were part of the volunteer team on this outing!!
This blog starts from the end!!
Reach home last Saturday, all content and happy. .the events over the last couple of days rewinding ....bringing back oodles of fond memories!
Sarbani tells me the kids havent stop talking about the campfire!!
On our bus journey back home from Adichunchanagiri mutt, amidst the dumb charades and the singing …there was a sense of accomplishment in each one of us!!
After a morning trek with 25 kids and their parents to a hilltop and yummy breakfast ….this is what the parents had to say about our trip!!...I found it extremely moving….
I never thought my child cud do all those adventure activities..many of them their 1sts:) d campfire.....d rope sliding activity.....d trek.....this is the 1st time my child is seeing a place beyond home, getting to interact with other kids with absolutely no pressures of having to perform well!!
There were kids who were so happy to be with other kids their age...that all they did was to keep running around ....chasing frogs n insects:)
Now, I was working out of a different office the whole of last week, so I could hardly do any of the co-ordination thing... Ppal who r regular readers of my blog[If there are any:)]...wud have heard this a million times before .....that whenever u set out to do something good...things fall in place... out of nowhere!!
Sarbani and team spent nearly a week in advance preparing the kids for the trip and familiarizing them with the sequence of events at the camp, simply coz autistic kids find it very difficult, when expected to react to anything out of the ordinary!
Whether it was Neel's b'day celebs or Pravs haunted story narration n Prajwal's n my sighting of a "ghostly figure" at 4:30am...who was doing Yoga....this was 1 soooooooper trip....
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Discrimination in today's era!
What is SS?
Life's many courses!!
Hampi rocks!

Hampi Unplugged-Part 1
Hampi Unplugged -Part 2
A decade without Acha
Acha is my father. I lost him 10 years ago, Feb 19th'2012. I dont like using him in "past tense". I still believe that no one...
This blog is dedicated to the tormentors Harish n Kishore and to my tutor Ravi... Our office timings are from 9am to 6:45pm....U take the 8:...
D 1st person to call was my sister…….She was downstairs and I was upstairs…..She calls me and wishes me”Haapy B’day” and bribes me to get do...